Throughout the pandemic we have taken a number of steps to safeguard our staff and the people we serve against the cross-infection and possible spread of COVID-19.

At the beginning of the pandemic we implemented a dedicated Task Force made up of senior staff with the skills and expertise to manage our charity’s contingency plans. This team continues to have regular oversight of all areas of operations and our business.

This includes regular audits and risk assessments across all areas of our organisation.

Here are some of the actions we’ve taken so far…

 Enhanced Infection Prevention and Control processes.

 There are now a number of questions our staff ask each carer and client at every single care visit or interaction. This process is precautionary to assess and mitigate risk.

  Additional training and support for staff members.

 Our teams across the country have been provided with enhanced guidance, training and support mechanisms in relation to managing COVID-19. We have implemented a 24-hour support line for staff members, meaning there is always someone on the end of the phone for support.

 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for staff.

 All of our staff have been equipped with the appropriate and enhanced Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for their role as per government guidelines.

 Office staff working from home.

 Our office-based staff continue to work from home wherever possible. Where interaction does take place, social distancing guidance is adhered to, in line with government guidance around infection prevention and control.

 Testing available for frontline staff members.

 Lateral flow tests are available all of our staff members.

 Vaccinations available to staff members.

 All of our frontline staff members have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, to help protect them against COVID-19.

In addition to the actions detailed above, we must all remain vigilant - continuing to help keep our communities safe by washing hands, wearing masks, socially distancing and adhering to the rules and restrictions set out by the UK Government.

Changes to our services

Home Services

Our home care services are still operational, but we do require you to inform us immediately:

  • if you or anyone in your household has any symptoms of COVID-19
  • if you have come into contact with anyone who has had COVID-19 in the last 14 days
  • if you have been contacted through the Track and Trace programme.

If you have any symptoms of the virus, but have not yet sought medical advice, we ask that you contact 111 for screening.

In the event of confirmed or probable COVID-19 in your home we will do everything possible to continue to support you, however we must put the safety of our staff members and all clients first. On rare occasions where we have to discuss reducing or cancelling your service as a result of this, we will at your request liaise with the commissioning agency (Health Authority/Social Services) and/or GP or clinician to inform them of your status to ensure that your care and support needs are addressed. 

Group Care/Day Centres/Carers Groups & Forums/Young Carers Groups/Social Events

In the interest of safety, back in March 2020 we reduced or cancelled some services that were being provided in group settings.

Many of these groups have now moved online. Their future opening and/or suspension remains dependent on the latest rules and guidelines from the Government.

Your local branch can update you on the current status of group services.

Send us your feedback

During this pandemic our workforce has learnt to innovate and look at different ways of supporting individuals, so your feedback is valued.

Have you had a good experience and felt that we have gone above and beyond, or do you feel there have been things we could have done better?

If you would like to take the opportunity to feedback to us please call or email your local branch.

Alternatively, you can send an email to [email protected].