Last Autumn Crossroads Together, a provider of services for carers of all ages, merged with TuVida.

The merger between Crossroads Together and TuVida was confirmed in Autumn 2022. Since then, the two organisations have been able to join forces and provide care nationwide.

Crossroads Together, which is based in Congleton, provides services predominantly across the North West of England. These areas include Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Cheshire West and East, Herefordshire and Shropshire. Combined with the services provided by TuVida, the newly merged organisation has the chance to create something that will benefit more people in more locations.

Christine Alexander, TuVida CEO, said:

“Services from both organisations have continued to provide the much-needed help and support for many carers and people who need care across England. Both Crossroads Together and TuVida strongly believe that carers and people who need care deserve the right support and advice, at the right time. Our combined strength as a larger organisation means that by working together with carers and families, we are in a strong position to deliver.”

Christine Aspin, former Crossroads Together CEO, said:

“We have now formed a substantial charity partnership, in which size brings strength. The merger successfully safeguarded the jobs of 200 Crossroads Together staff, in addition to the thousands of families receiving services in the areas we support, and we are now in a great position to continue to support the people we work with.”