The Carer’s Leave Act Whether you work full or part time, juggling caring responsibilities with your job can be difficult. Scheduling appointments, ensuring medication is taken or worrying about your family or friend’s wellbeing can cause stress even without having to work it around your job. Around one in seven of all workers in the UK are carers; making it crucial that support and advice is accessible to all. In April 2024 the Carer’s Leave Act will come into force. This will enable working carers to take unpaid leave to fulfil caring responsibilities. It will also help to change the way in which employers view working carers and how they can help to support them. The key points of the Carer’s Leave Act are: It will introduce a new and flexible entitlement to one week’s unpaid leave per year for employees who are providing or arranging care for a relative or dependant. It will be available from the first day of their employment. It will allow employees to take the leave flexibly for planned and foreseen caring commitments. It will offer the same employment protections to employees taking this leave that are associated with other forms of family-related leave, meaning they will be protected from dismissal or any detriment because of having taken time off. To view more information about The Carer’s Leave Act please visit the Carers UK website Words: Tegan Moult, TuVida Digital Marketing Assistant