Young Carers in Schools Young Carers in Schools works in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to provide schools with the tools and resources to support young carers and reduce negative impacts, giving them the same access to education and future life chances as their peers. We work with primary and secondary schools in Cardiff and the Vale supporting the Young Carers in Schools Programme. The programme has five areas of focus and encourages schools to better understand, inform, identify, listen and support young carers in education. Schools gather evidence to support the work taking place which is collated into a portfolio and presented to the Peer Review Panel, a group of young carers who review the portfolios and make recommendations for improvement or award the school for achieving the standards. The Young Carers in Schools Programme has 3 stages which supports schools to develop a whole school approach when supporting the needs of young carers. The Basics Beyond the Basics Best Practice The team offer the following training: School staff (Identifying Us) Governors & Elected Members Administrative / First point of contact staff Refresher training (Supporting Us Our Young Carers in Schools programme is funded by Cardiff and the Vale Regional Partnership Board. To find out more please email: [email protected]