About Meet the team Chief Officer Group Christine Alexander Christine Alexander Christine joined the organisation in 1995 as a Carer Support Worker. In 1997 she applied for a role as a Care Co-Coordinator and spent the next few years working her way up through the organisation. After being the Deputy Manager for a couple of years, the Manager left and she applied for the role of CEO. This was in 2000 and since that time she has led the organisation through 17 mergers, growth of the geographic footprint to cover nine counties and three London Boroughs. She has also brought together regulated care services (homecare, respite care and group care) and carers hub services (information, advice and guidance). Christine believes that our most vulnerable citizens deserve to be able to make choices about their care, their lives and their life choices. She is committed to creating an organisation that enables all people with care needs and their carers and families to make these choices and live the best life that they can. Read more about Christine's story.