We asked managers to send on appreciation messages to their teams this Employee Appreciation Day. Here's what they said!

"I would like to express my appreciation to every member of my team across the central area, for the hard work, dedication and support you provide on a daily basis. I appreciate every single one of you, Our amazing front-line teams, NNHD, NCA respite & NBMK & CSB. TL/CPO’s Giedre Gagilaite & Linzi Marriott, CPO Lucy Haynes, ACPO’s Lorraine Gallop & Chloe Wilson, our Training & Auditing Officer Jayne Gilbert and our Service Administrator Toni Webb. The whole team support each other as a family which I am very proud and grateful of. 

"The commitment you put into your job roles is an asset to TuVida and the clients we support. The willingness to go above and beyond, going that extra mile is evident in the great outcomes we achieve and in turn that is why we have successful services.

"Keep up the amazing work you are doing and a huge thank you from me. I appreciate you all so much!”

Emma Dillnutt, Service Manager

"I would like to show my appreciation for all of the North West Region. The dedication every one of you have demonstrated from the families you support to the colleagues you work with on a daily basis is amazing. Your hard work and dedication is an example to everyone on our team! Thank you for being your best every day! I really enjoy working with you all want you all to know that I am forever grateful for everything you do."

Andy Williams, North West Manager

"The office staff would like to give a big thank you to all the amazing staff in the North Manchester team, We have had a difficult couple of years with a lot of changes, however we have pulled through by all working together showing commitment and dedication to our clients and each other, the appreciation shows from the amount of longstanding staff we have working for us in our team."

Michele Pacholski, Care Co-ordinator

"On this special Staff Appreciation Day, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude to each and every one of you. Our locality may be small, but our team is mighty!

"Ashley, congratulations on completing your Level Two Adult Social Care qualification this year, a remarkable achievement. Cheryl, your talent for storytelling has made a significant impact. By supporting colleagues with testimonial stories, you’ve helped us showcase the incredible work we do to our commissioners. Thank you both for all you do in supporting the smooth running of services and supporting staff.

"Our care support workers here in Essex are the heart and soul of our community. They possess all of the right qualities, compassion, empathy, and dedication—to provide care and support to those who need it most. Whether it’s a comforting smile, a listening ear, or going the extra mile, they do it all with passion. As a team, we’ve faced challenges, celebrated victories, and supported one another. Let’s continue to work together, uplift each other, and make a positive impact on our community.

"To Ralph I want to express my sincere gratitude for your dedication and commitment during our training sessions. Your guidance and expertise have been invaluable, and the team learned so much from you. Thank you for equipping the team with the skills we need to excel in our role. Thank you for expressing your appreciation for the LGBT training provided by you! It’s essential to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and understood. LGBT+ awareness training plays a crucial role in promoting understanding, empathy, and acceptance.

"Thank you for being part of our incredible team. Happy Staff Appreciation Day!"

Arif Rahman, Essex Team Leader 

"I have the most amazing Young Carers Notts Team, like a little family, all coming together to do their absolute best for the young people that we support. 

"The amount of knowledge and skills the team have collectively is staggering. I am constantly blown away with the extra mile the team will go to, the events and activities that they support with and new and exciting ways of getting Young Carers to engage with the service.

"No matter what problems we may have faced as a team – there is always support and respect for each other. Absolute problem solvers, flexible and reliable, helpful and kind. I am so proud to call them my team."

Becca Robbins, Service Manager Young Carers Notts

"I am enormously proud of every member of the finance & payroll teams at Pelham & Congleton. Each & every one of them has made an outstanding contribution to TuVida during such financially challenging times. Throughout this they have behaved with dignity & have shown immense team spirit & mutual respect. Their collaboration, supportiveness, dedication & tenacity has really shone through. Thank you so much for your patience & perseverance & your truly awesome resilience – I appreciate all of you very much."

Michelle Turnbull, Head of Finance

"Huge thanks to Tegan, our brilliant digital marketing assistant, who consistently creates excellent marketing materials, digital communications and social media for teams and services across TuVida. Your work is always of a high quality and we would genuinely struggle without your help!" 

Ben Hennessy, Head of Communications and Impact

"On Employee Appreciation Day I would like to pass on a special thanks to every single member of the team at TuVida. Every person at TuVida, no matter their role, plays such a pivotal part in ensuring that we can continue to give support to the people that need it the most. 

"Without all of you, we wouldn’t be able to support nearly 10,000 people a year, so the appreciation goes to every single member of the team at TuVida." 

Gareth Howells, Chief Operating Officer

"I would like to show my appreciation for our team of Carer Advisors here in Herefordshire. They are a small team that cover a large area with limited resources but their knowledge, enthusiasm and caring natures are appreciated greatly by us and the Carers of Herefordshire. Our team is very small (we are down to 2 Carer Advisors after one of them retired and one is on long term sick leave).  Melony Hardwick and Catherine Roche are working so hard to keep our service going and to support Carers and their hard work is not going unnoticed." 

Nick Gregory, Team Senior Carer Links Herefordshire

"I would like to express my appreciation for my team member Rachel.  A lot has happened over the last six months, with a great number of changes, and Rachel has been there and very supportive of me.  This has been a difficult time, but Rachel always delivers, and covers for me when I’m not in the office. I hope that I do the same for her when she has been off. I can’t believe it is nearly two years since Rachel joined – I don’t know where that time has gone!  We have built up a good working relationship over that time, and I look forward to the future for our team and working with Rachel.

"I would also like to express my appreciation for my line manager, Jacqui Finn. Jacqui is very supportive of me and always finds the time to talk to me about work when I need to, and always checks in with me to see how I am doing when we have catch ups and one to one meetings.  She believes in me and pushes me out of my ‘comfort zone’, which is good for me.  Thank you Jacqui!"

Katie Lombardi, Senior Executive Manager

"I would like to personally Thank all of my South Manchester support workers for all the hard work they always do and for all the support and understanding they have given to clients, clients families , myself and Crossroads Together. All support workers are amazing at their roles and always have everyone’s best interest at heart I couldn’t of been more lucky to have such inspirational people on my team who always help out as much as they can.

"South Manchester – Thank you so much for all the support you have given me over the last 3+ years, I have shadowed most of you when I first started as a support worker and you all helped me and watched me grow from support worker to senior and to care Coordinator each step you have all cheered me on and gave me so much support, I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for you all I very much appreciate you all and everything you do , I am so proud of you all keep up the amazing work and showing the best of the 6 C’s of care as you always do, I am looking forward to seeing you all in my new adventure and helping you to keep up the amazing work during my new role as training office, Thank you for everything.

"My fellow office team Adele, Michele, Kat, Angela and Sam - Thank you so much for all the support, guidance and encouragement you have always given me thank you for being my number one contact and always helping me in every situation I come across some good some not so good but you are always there for me, I really wouldn’t be as confident in my role as I am now if it wasn’t for you all, Thank you for being so welcoming and welcoming me into the office and always supporting me with everything I couldn’t of asked to work alongside more amazing people than you all. Thank you so much, keeping being amazing and I will see you all soon at training. Thank you."

Karen Dunne, North West Team

"Appreciation post for the recruitment team who have been working so hard around the clock to source and onboard new starters. In a very difficult market, your hard work does not go unnoticed.  Thank you for everything that you do."

Katie Keward-Bright, Head of Recruitment

Executive Admin Support Team

"I’d like to say a huge thank you to the EA team for another year of high quality, professional and confidential support from Katie and Rachel for the Chief Officers of TuVida. The past year has been a challenging one but they both stepped up and supported the chief officers and wider leadership team in coping with the difficult decisions and changes we had to make. I would like to thank Katie in particular who has picked up all our governance work and very quickly learnt new skills and knowledge to support our Board of Trustees and wider legal work for TuVida. I appreciate their support and unfailing commitment to the values and vision of TuVida."

Chief Officers

"I would like to show my appreciation for Christine, our CEO, and fellow chief officers. Christine continues to demonstrate compassionate leadership of TuVida no matter what the organisation has to deal with and through this has created a team of chief officers who support each other every day. In the last couple of years, I have had some family bereavements and Christine and the chief officers have provided me with support and compassion and picked up work in my absence to ensure I have had time with my family and TuVida continues to operate effectively."

Jacqui Finn, Deputy CEO

"The team at the hub had a major change in October and the morale was incredibly low and we were nervous about working with the young carers, we’ve all had our own worries and worked as a team to build morale and settle worries. We have come together to make the young carers team work and I think we are all doing an amazing job …… I feel very much as part of the team here at young carers, we are all so close and are like family." ๐Ÿ˜Š 

Debbie Haxby, City Team Leader, Young Carers Notts

"Here at West Sussex we are very lucky to have such a wonderful & committed team, many of our loyal staff have remained with us, giving their clients the valuable respite and they so badly need & understanding their stresses & worries & just being there to listen & support.

"I as Service Manager for West Sussex very much appreciate all my team. Those who are out there working hard to achieve, a very big thankyou from me." 

Yvonne Hammond-Powell, Service Manager, West Sussex

"My team are my support network and I appreciate each and every one of them for their commitment and dedication on a daily basis.  It’s been a tough year, but they have rallied around and adapted to the changes and continued to support the wider organisation.  The Team are a great support network for each other and me, if one is having a tough day/time they rally around to support in any way they can with a phone call or a message of support.  Thanks, Team, for being you and being so awesome!"

Karen Bonnett, Head of Corporate Services

“I cannot specifically pick one member of the team. Everyone has faced some challenging times along the way and have always put carers first. They have achieved so much as an individual but also, as a collective too. So, I would like to thank both the Bridgend Carers Wellbeing team and the Herefordshire CarerLinks team for their incredible efficiency and their can-do attitude towards tasks.  They're always willing to help and it's truly appreciated!”

Zoe Cotterell, Carers Service Manager

"I would like to say a huge heartfelt thank you to each of the hubs/carers services managers and team members across, Herefordshire CarerLinks, Bridgend Carers Wellbeing Service, Amser Short Breaks, Shropshire Young Carers and Young Carers Notts. Each team member puts in such enormous levels of hard work and dedication and go that extra mile to make sure that unpaid carers and young carers are supported and celebrated. Over the past year each of these services has faced its own challenge and change but the teams have met this with enthusiasm and optimism, supporting each other along the way."

They truly represent TuVida in the best possible way. 

Claire Jones, Hub Development Manager