Staff newsletter feedback In October we asked TuVida staff for feedback about our staff newsletter. We had a good response and want to send thanks to those of you that took the time to complete the survey. Key trends and feedback Of those that completed the newsletter survey: 81% said they always read the newsletter. 9% said they sometimes read the newsletter. 73% said they also find out what’s going on around TuVida from emails. 58% said they also find out what’s going from talking to colleagues. 42% said they also find out what’s going on from team meetings. 38% said they also find out what’s going on from social media. 34% said they also find out what’s going on from news on our website. Comments and feedback about the newsletter* What do you enjoy about the newsletter? “Keeping up to date with what is happening.” “Simple snapshot of what is going on around TuVida and love how is recognises staff long service recognition.” “It is good to read about new services starting and events that have happened.” “I like reading the newsletter as it gives you a good insight to what’s going on within the company more so with myself working nights, it's nice to see what we are achieving.” “The variety of subjects, also informing us of about how to access mental health, loneliness or money help.” What would you change or like to see in the newsletter that isn’t there? “A short update from CEO and other Chief Officers as relevant - maybe a video from CEO every six months.” “Employee of the month, In the mainstream team this was really good for staff morale, but I feel in this instance quarterly would really work and it could be a regional thing?” “More financial detail and transparency. More content, I find it quite brief for a monthly newsletter.” "Regular headings such as staff wellbeing, EDI, and training updates. I feel this then reinforces staff knowledge and holds TuVida to ensuring this work is progressive." “More focus on all areas throughout the UK.” “More articles about the issues we face daily and what we are doing about them – recruitment, retention, trends in care, CQC changes and the new regulatory approach.” “More news locally. Not just the good news.” Is there anything you don’t like about the newsletter? “Mainly that it is very heavily Nottingham services led.” “The newsletters tone doesn’t reflect my reality of working in social care, so can seem flippant, superficial, and patronising. Keep the feel-good stuff but I’d like to be taken more seriously in terms of professional interest.” *Comments have been selected. Some comments have been edited.