TuVida partnership nominated for prestigious award A partnership including TuVida Assessment and Reviewing Officer, Scott Collison, has been nominated for a Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust Excellence Award. The Sherwood Forest Transfer of Care Hub has been nominated in the Community Partner of the Year category of the awards for their work supporting patients to discharge from hospital in a safe and timely way. The team were described as ‘providing an excellent source of information, advice and support for the hospital, essential to the effective flow of patients, and as a ‘fabulous example of solid teamwork.’ The team is made up of staff from TuVida, Notts Healthcare, Age UK, Bassetlaw Action Centre, Start Resettlement, Integrated Discharge Advisory Team, Social Care and Home from Hospital. Sherwood Forest Hospitals' Excellence Awards celebrate individual Trust colleagues, teams and volunteers who go above and beyond the call of duty and who have had a positive impact on our services, patients, visitors and colleagues. Scott said: “I’m extremely proud of what the Transfer of Care Hub have achieved over the last 18 months. We have evolved to best meet the needs of patients and adapted the support that people receive, to give them the best possible return home. “Tuvida has supported the frontline element of this service and it’s an honour to be recognised for the great work we do.” The awards ceremony takes place on Thursday 12 September – wishing Scott and the team the very best of luck! Assessment and Reviewing Officer, Scott Collison with the nomination